How long will it take me to recover?
You can expect to be able to go back to work 6–12 weeks after your operation.
The amount of time you will need to take off work will depend on the type of work you do and how quickly you get better after your operation.
Driving is not recommended for 1–2 weeks after your operation or while you have pain.
You shouldn’t do things like heavy lifting, digging or playing sport for at least 6 weeks after your operation.
Donating a kidney is a wonderful thing, but it can sometimes be more difficult than expected.
For someone who is usually healthy, it can be difficult to suddenly become a patient, especially if you are usually the person who looks after the recipient.
It is a big operation, and sometimes donors can feel tired for a few weeks after the operation before you get your energy back.
It is very important that you and the recipient both take time to recover properly and don’t try and do too much too early.
It is also important that both you and your recipient have people who can look after you.
Your surgeon will see you within a few weeks after your operation to make sure you are healing well.
You may also see your kidney doctor 6–12 weeks after your operation.
After that, you should get a check-up at the hospital or with your GP once every year.